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Safeguarding and Child Protection

Our Child Protection Designated staff in school are:

Mr Michael Spink DSL and Head of School

 Mrs Karen Howard DDSL and Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

Mr Adam Hassall Safeguarding Team Member

Photographs of members of staff are on display in the school reception area and around the building.




At Woodlands we believe that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We all have a responsibility to promote the welfare of children and young people and to keep them safe. We are wholly committed to practice in a way that protects them. 

Safeguarding is considered everyone’s responsibility and, as such, our school aims to create the safest environment within which every student has the opportunity to achieve and flourish. We do this by:

  •  Working in partnership with other agencies and establishing effective working relationships with parents, carers, and other stakeholders.
  • Providing learning opportunities throughout our curriculum that equips our students at an age-appropriate level with the skills and knowledge they need to keep themselves safe.
  •  Enabling all of our students to have their voice heard by giving them mechanisms to speak to trusted adults when they feel concerned or worried.
  • Ensuring that all of our staff receive high quality and regular safeguarding training that means they are alert to signs and indicators of abuse and know what to do when they have a concern.
  • Recognising that some children are more vulnerable to abuse (e.g. those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and that intervening as early as possible is vital in preventing harm from occurring.
  • Implementing child protection procedures when there is a concern that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm.
  • Always operating with a child-centered approach when fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities and acting in the best interests of the child


The diagram below demonstrates the wide umbrella of safeguarding and provides some examples of the other policies that relate to safeguarding.





Partnerships with other agencies

Woodlands contribute to multi agency safeguarding arrangements. Information sharing is essential in promoting children’s welfare, including their educational outcomes. 

We recognise that it is essential to establish positive and effective working relationships with other agencies. Agencies that we work with across our schools to promote a safe and supportive environment for our students include but are not limited to:

  • Bradford Social Care
  • Kirklees Social Care
  • Police
  • Health
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • Barnardos
  • School Nursing Team
  • Early Help

Safeguarding in the curriculum

We aim to educate and empower children to increasingly take responsibility for their wellbeing, own health and safety. We have carefully considered our school curriculum to ensure pupils have opportunities to learn the knowledge needed to keep them safe and allow them to make informed choices. Our PSHE curriculum covers many safeguarding areas such as mental health, online safety, relationship education and anti bullying. We are sensitive in our teaching and ensure content is delivered at an age age-appropriate level.

The viewpoints and voice of pupils is of paramount importance to our school and we will always listen to their wishes, thoughts and feelings, as well as identifying and supporting their needs. We will work alongside pupils to develop trusting, consistent and professional relationships.

Site Security

We strive to keep the site secure for pupils and staff. After 8.40am the only access into school is via the main entrance, which is controlled by secure access.  C.C.T.V. is in operation to further enhance site security. 

doors Parents and carers are requested to sign in at the school office when visiting school. If you would like to meet with your child’s  teacher,   please make an appointment beforehand. 

As we are responsible for the safety of children, we cannot allow your child to leave school during school hours unless you come to collect him/her. There   is a signing out procedure at the school office for any pupil leaving school during the school day.

Visitors to our schools, including contractors and agency staff, will have their ID verified upon arrival and will be asked to sign in. They are given an ID badge that demonstrates that they have been through this process.

All visitors are expected to observe the school’s safeguarding and health and safety regulations, which will be shared with them upon their arrival. 






 If anyone has any concerns in relation to safeguarding please complete a safeguarding concern form here.

Alternatively, please contact Mr Spink, Mrs Howard or Mr Hassall via the office 01274 678385. The Governor responsible for Child Protection is Mr Gary Denison who visits school regularly. Please contact the office for his details. 


Further information

 Please read the Safeguarding policy on the policies page for more information. Other useful contacts include  Child line 0800 11 11 and the NSPCC  0808 800 5000/