Our Staff
Head of School | |
Mr M. Spink |
Teachers | |
Mrs C Bland EYFS |
Miss R Ali Year 1/2 |
Mrs K. Howard Year 3/4 |
Mr A. Hassall Year 5/6 |
Teaching Assistants | |
Miss V. Pillinger - EYFS | |
Miss N. Nicholls- EYFS | |
Miss C Greco - Y1/2 & EYFS | |
Mrs M. Khan- HLTA Y 5/6 | |
Administration Team | |
Mrs A. Kelly | |
Caretaker | |
Mrs N. Stephenson | |
Kitchen Staff | |
Mrs. S. Hussain | |
Mrs L. Dunkley | |
Miss L. Horan | |
Out of School Club Care Staff |
Mrs P. Ward | |
Miss T. Black | |
Paediatric First Aiders | |
Miss V. Pillinger |
Mrs. P Ward |
Miss. N. Nicholls |
Our Governors
The Governing Body of Woodlands C of E Primary School is a group of parents, staff and members of the local community who oversee the running of our school. Each is passionate about the school and volunteer their time, away from their busy schedules, to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the school.
The governors also make regular visits to the school. In this way they get to know the staff, children and parents and are, therefore, better informed about the school they are responsible for overseeing.
The constitution of the Governing Body of Woodlands C. of E. Primary School, September 2023.
Mr Michael Spink (Head of School)
Mr Gary Denison (Chair of Governors)
Mr Andrew Hooton (Trust Governor)
Mrs Charlotte Oakland (Parent Governor)
Mrs Jean Marsh (Ex-Officio)
Contact details- any correspondence to Chair of Governors C/O, Woodlands CE Primary school, Mill Carr Hill Road, Oakenshaw, Bradford. BD12 7EZ.
Copies of the minutes of the meetings and other relevant documents are available at the school on request.
The legal responsibilities of the Governors include responsibilities for the curriculum, appointments and staffing, discipline, financial management, the use and care of the building and reporting to parents.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the internal organisation and management of the school.
Any problem relating to the curriculum or collective worship should be discussed in the first instance with the Head Teacher. Whenever a satisfactory conclusion cannot be reached, a parent can appeal to the Governing body as set out in the school’s Policy for Managing Complaints. The Head Teacher will furnish details of these.
During the school years 2018/2019, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 the Governors did not claim any expenses to which Governors are entitled.