Woodlands Christian Values
Is more than the absence of noise and fighting. Peace comes when everyone feels safe & secure & knows they are highly valued. Peace comes when time and space is made to sort out problems and hurts. There are lots of ways to be happy, like being calm and fulfilled.
Often, in the Psalms, the writer says to God: ‘My hope is in you’. It is a hope rooted in the love and faithfulness of God. Hope is not wishful thinking but a firm assurance that God can be relied upon.
Is ‘putting yourself in someone else’s shoes’ when they are suffering. As we start to understand how they feel in our hearts, we will want to help them in some way.
Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Take a little time before making your mind up.
Helping others, even if they can’t (or won’t) do anything in return & even if it costs us (time, money, discomfort). Serving others can bring joy & freedom.
Throughout the Bible, God is described as slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving. Jesus was uncompromising in his command to forgive. Forgiveness was at the heart of everything he did and is at the heart of the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Christian Values are focused on one each half term through Collective Worship and areas of the curriculum such as PSHE and RE.
Collective Worship
At Woodlands Church of England Primary School Christian values are becoming more embedded in many parts of the curriculum. The children receive a variety of opportunities to enhance their spirituality.There are also opportunities for prayer and reflection during times of worship and throughout the school day. Our Collective Worship will often link to our Christian Value for the half term.
At Woodlands Church of England School we have a daily act of collective worship where we meet as a school community to sing hymns, listen to stories, reflect on them and pray together. Children are increasingly more involved in delivery of Collective Worship throughout the school year. Key Stage 2 children will soon have the opportunity to plan and deliver assembly. Children help to plan, organise and lead the major services which are held in St Andrews Church: Harvest, Christmas, Easter. Children may use Bible readings and write their own prayers for the services.
The school has good links with St Andrews church. When Worship takes place at Church parents and friends within the local community are warmly welcome to attend.
Children visit the church for other purposes when appropriate, also Bradford Cathedral and other places of worship to understand and learn about the various faiths. We have been involved with the local Oakenshaw residents association recently and this is a community partnership we all enjoy.
At Woodlands we value the Partnerships that we hold within the community and with our local church. As a school we hold links with St Andrews Church located in Oakenshaw. Teachers also host Religious Education lessons within St Andrews church to immerse children in the respect and value of church life. We also host our annual Harvest Festival at St Andrews and Carol Concerts.