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"We challenge ourselves to grow contribute and succeed in the light of God."


School Vision Statement

Through our Christian values we instill in our children an understanding of their wider world, where we encourage children to be resilient, and independent, ambitious lifelong learners. Our Christian Values are: Hope, Forgiveness, Service, Compassion, Peace and Wisdom.



Curriculum Intent - our approach

Woodlands curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can 'live life in all its fullness' by offering stimulating and inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at the heart.

It is bespoke to the needs of all pupils, not only by focusing on appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, but also by developing individual and collaborative learning experiences, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom.

We are a small village school with a constantly evolving curriculum which responds to the needs of learners and their interests by enhancing learning experiences and raising awareness from the local area to national and global arenas. Thus, we will develop outward looking pupils who are able to engage in learning about themselves and have an understanding of the wider world and its complex cultures.

Curriculum Policy 


Curriculum and subject Documents

Children are taught the National Curriculum (September 2014) Programmes of Study, through years 1 - 6. Emphasis here is on basic skills development in English and Mathematics. Here at Woodlands learning is exciting and in a meaningful context for the children. 

Whole School School Curriculum Themes Cycle

Curriculum Maps Cycle A

Year 1/2 

Year 3/4

Year 5/6

Curriculum Maps Cycle B

Year 1/2

Year 3/4 

Year 5/6

Art Curriculum 

Art Intent

Art Overview

Art Long Term Plan

Art progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

Computing Curriculum 

Computing Intent

Computing Overview

Computing Long Term Plan

Computing progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

DT Curriculum

DT Intent

DT Overview

DT Long Term Plan

DT progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

English Curriculum

English Intent

See English page

Geography Curriculum

Geography Intent

Geography Overview 

Geography Long Term Plan

Geography progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

History Curriculum

History Intent

History Overview 

History Long Term Plan

History progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

Maths Curriculum

Maths Intent

Maths Overview

Maths Long Term Plan

Maths progression of skills, knowledge and understanding 

See Maths page

MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Curriculum

MFL Intent

MFL Overview 

MFL Long Term Plan

MFL progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

Music Curriculum

Music Intent

Music Overview 

Music Long Term Plan

Music progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

PE Curriculum

PE Intent

PE Overview 

PE Long Term Plan

PE progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

PSHE Curriculum

PSHE Intent

PSHE Overview 

PSHE Long Term Plan

PSHE progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

RE Curriculum

RE Statement of Entitlement

RE Intent

RE Overview 

RE Long Term Plan

RE progression of skills, knowledge and understanding

Science Curriculum

Science Intent

Science Overview 

Science Long Term Plan

Science progression of skills, knowledge and understanding



National Curriculum

BDAT Curriculum Approach


Please see our equality objectives/accessibility policy for more info on how we comply with our duties under the Equality Act and SEND Regulations to ensure our curriculum is accessible for all.

Curriculum queries: If you would like to obtain further information about the curriculum please email the Headteacher (, who will pass on your query to the appropriate subject leader, this will then be followed through as swiftly as possible.

Curriculum complaints can be made through a formal complaints procedure in accordance with section 23 of the Education Reform Act. Parents should, initially, see the Head Teacher, where appropriate documents can then be obtained.