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A very warm welcome to our school website.

Woodlands Church of England Primary School was founded in 1873, and although we still hold onto our traditional past the school boasts modern facilities providing children with the best opportunities. We are a half form entry school taking in 15 pupils each new academic year into a reception class. We have recently increased our provision and can now offer 13 nursery places. At full capacity we would fill 118 places, currently there are 113 pupils on roll. We pride ourselves for being a small, family friendly school in the close knit local community of Oakenshaw.


Mr Spink   Head of School

"We challenge ourselves to grow, contribute and succeed in the light of God".


School Vision Statement

Through our Christian values we instill in our children an understanding of their wider world, where we encourage children to be resilient, and independent, ambitious lifelong learners. Our Christian Values are: Hope, Forgiveness, Service, Compassion, Peace and Wisdom.


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